Horoscope | today | Scorpio

Scorpio Horoscope

Oct 23 - Nov 21

May 02, 2024's Horoscope

Reimagine domestic possibilities. Restore domestic harmony over five months with Pluto retrograde. Reconsider assumptions. Repay old debts or promises. Learn from family history and ancestry.







today's Aspects

10:10 AM

Moon square Jupiter

Travel interferes with your routine. Don't flirt on company time. Show your philosophical side in public. The opposition holds out, and it could get tense. Partnership issues demand attention.

11:59 AM

Pluto retrograde

Nostalgia surges. Social trends look to the past. Adapt community efforts around changes over five months with Pluto retrograde. Enjoy time with old friends.

7:26 PM

Moon enters Pisces

Enjoy the game, but don't take expensive risks. You'll have more time to relax, over the next couple of days. Somebody nearby is sure lookin' good.

2:54 AM

Moon sextile Venus

Examine personal opportunities. Friends give you a boost.

May Horoscope

May 2nd

Prepare plans and get your ducks in a row. Launch a major promotion later in the year.

May 8th

Take your partnership to the next level. Collaboration comes naturally, especially over two weeks following tonight's taurus new moon.

May 23rd

A challenge reorients you. Expand boundaries over half a year. Develop an inspiring possibility.


Mercury is direct for another

Mars is direct for another

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